Premium Cigar Consumer Intelligence

What We Do

Cigar Opinion Surveys specializes in providing premium cigar brands with valuable insights and market intelligence. Our team of experienced researchers (and cigar aficionados!) is dedicated to helping our clients make informed decisions by conducting panel-based survey research, focus groups, and providing marketing intelligence.

Our panel-based survey research is designed to gather data from a diverse group of respondents who are passionate about premium cigars. We aggressively recruit panel members from across the US and screen for cigar knowledge to ensure our results capture actual consumers. We use advanced survey techniques to ensure that the data we collect is reliable and accurate. Our research methods are designed to provide our clients with a comprehensive understanding of their target market and consumer preferences.

In addition to panel-based survey research, we can offer focus groups. Our focus groups are led by skilled moderators and recruited from our US-based panel of verified cigar enthusiasts. We work closely with our clients to develop discussion topics and questions that will elicit valuable insights from participants. Our focus groups are an excellent way to gain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and preferences.

Finally, our marketing intelligence services are designed to provide our clients with the latest industry trends and insights. Our team monitors the broader cigar market, keeping up-to-date with the latest industry developments, consumer preferences, and market trends. This information is used to help our clients make informed decisions about product development, cigar packaging design, marketing strategies, and more.

We are committed to providing our clients with high-quality research and insights that they can use to grow their business. Projects are always bespoke, developed in close partnership with our clients to ensure mission alignment and deliverables exceed expectations. Whether you are looking to develop new products, refine your packaging or marketing strategies, or gain a deeper understanding of your target market, we have the expertise and resources to help you succeed. Get in touch to learn more.

Get in Touch

Our team of experts is available to discuss your research objective. Contact us to learn how you can leverage our panel of verified cigar enthusiasts.